Young Vision Award 2016

Health, safety and environmental issues in the E&P business do not only start, once hydrocarbons are found and produced. However, increasingly higher attention needs to be paid already early on in the phase of identifying, appraising and confirming hydrocarbon resources. Despite some quite promising developments in this matter, not to many technologies have made it into commercialization or standard practices yet. Creativity and novel approaches are needed especially in a time where very low oil prices pose additional pressure onto the entire E&P industry.

Competition task

Please present innovative technological ideas for exploration of hydrocarbons with consideration of E&P companies’ environmental responsibility.

You are kindly requested:

  • to describe a technical task or problem within the industry
  • to introduce a new idea for exploration of hydrocarbons, including practical work program in case of victory of your team
  • to explain how your idea increases the overall (industry) environmental responsibility
  • to evaluate the commitment to occupational and industrial safety as well as the creative component of the project
  • to evaluate the “speed of changes”, i.e. how soon the design effect will contribute to economic and operations
  • to introduce your team, describe your team roles and evaluate the way your idea may be useful for others.

Please note, that ideas that have already been summited or are already conducted as R&D project will not be accepted.


Please introduce your team and your idea strictly using the application form given below. Submit your idea (the problem and ways to solve it), the implementation and possible solutions in the form of presentation – maximum of 20 slides. Kindly present your ideas in English.

Evaluation criteria

  • Creativity and innovation of the idea (35%)
  • Contribution to environmental protection in exploration of HC, incl. unconventional HC (30 %)
  • Feasibility and economic efficiency (15%)
  • Quality and manner of presentation (20 %)


Three teams with the best submissions from both countries, Russia and Germany, will be invited to present their ideas at a conference in September 2016, which will select the best idea. The team that will have presented, according to the jury, the best idea will be granted the Young Vision Award 2016, which comes with following benefits:

  • 1 week internship in one of the branches of Wintershall Holding GmbH or of Gazprom EP International Services B.V.
  • The publication of the proposed idea in the magazine “Oil&Gas Journal Russia”
  • A one-year complementary “Oil&Gas Journal Russia” subscription
  • Evaluation of the idea by one or more international experts. If the idea is found to be technically feasible, appropriate and economically justified, the companies Wintershall Holding GmbH and Gazprom EP International Services B.V. will agree on supporting the first phase of the project via financing.


Currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree program and maintaining student status in Fall Semester 2016. Participants must have a valid passport for travelling abroad.

Deadline for applications

May 10, 2016


The jury is composed of independent international experts. The expert committee’s decision on the finalists will be taken in July 2016.


Yulia Lebedeva (languages: Russian, German, English)

Tel.: +7 495 231 73 00


Ksenia Ryklin (languages: German, Russian, English)

Tel.: +7 495 231 73 03


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